School Profile
Grades: Pre-K-5
Traditional 10 – Month Calendar
Phone: 910-424-2312
Fax: 910-423-9673
Next to our quest for peace, our nation’s most important goal is the development of a high-quality educational enterprise that will prepare all boys and girls for life in a fast-changing and complex world. With this thought in mind, the philosophy and the attitude at Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary is customer-focused. In essence, our students are our customers:
The student is the most important person at our school.
The student is not an interruption of our work — he or she is the purpose for it.
The student is not just a statistic. He or she is a flesh-and-blood human being with feelings and emotions.
The student is one who comes to us with needs and wants…it is our job to fulfill them.
The student is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment that we can provide.
The student is the lifeblood of our school. Without him or her, we would have to close our doors.
We believe the answer to all world problems is found in a single word…that word is Education.
The educators at Elizabeth Cashwell Elementary School are committed to providing all students with a quality education.